The Gathering
Young Adults ministry
to go
The Gathering is a ministry for young adults to grow in or begin their faith for the first time. The ministry seeks to provide a place for young adults to GATHER to study God’s Word, pray, serve one another, and worship Jesus. Additionally, the Gathering encourages young adults to GO live out their faith, share the Gospel, have fun, and change the world.
Join us!
Thursdays at 7pm // Student Union
Join us for free food as we dive deeper into the Bible on Thursday nights.

Preston Gagnon
Preston Gagnon is the Young Adults Pastor at Mountain City Church and Senior Director of Experiences. Before entering the ministry full-time, Preston was a medic in the United States Army. In his first year, God saved him and his life radically changed. His goal of staying in the military for life changed to wanting to tell people about Jesus all day long. He now holds a B.S. in Biblical and Theological Studies, a M.A. in Theological Studies, and a D.Min in Expository Preaching all from Liberty University. Preston is married to Jaclyn and they have three daughters – Lilly, Molly, and Kelly.
our team

Josh Velez

Andrea Sevcik
Women's Coordinator

Isaias Ramos
Worship Leader