Tiny Kids
Infant – PreK
At Mountain City Church, we are developing Christ-centered world changers, and in our Tiny Kids ministry we are doing the same – making a BIG deal about following Jesus even to our tiniest members.
Join our team of
Tiny Kid Volunteers
make a BIG deal about following Jesus to our Tiniest Members!
Our Tiny Kids Crew mainly serves weekly or biweekly and are the lead adult in the room, are familiar with our policies and procedures, and implement them during the service hour.
Core Values
We will be prompt so that our nursery rooms are open on time; because we realize that parents can’t serve in their ministries, grow, or learn if our rooms aren’t open.
We realize that this ministry is not just for little kids, it’s a ministry to the parents as well! We will be kind and listen as parents give us any special instructions for their children or have any questions for us.
We will be intentional each week to teach these little children about the God of the Bible in creative and unconventional ways, because we realize that whoever wants the next generation the most will get them!
We want every parent to feel 100% at ease putting their most prized possessions in our care.