Group Leader Training

Room 210

You don’t have to be perfect to lead a group. And you don’t need to be a Bible scholar to be used by God to lead others. Group leaders create a place where people can be real and grow. They get front-row seats to the faith journeys of others and find that their faith grows […]

Group Leader Training

Room 210

You don’t have to be perfect to lead a group. And you don’t need to be a Bible scholar to be used by God to lead others. Group leaders create a place where people can be real and grow. They get front-row seats to the faith journeys of others and find that their faith grows […]

Winter Groups Launch Meet & Greet

Big Gym

Come meet our group leaders right after service! And then join a group! Groups are a place where people have the opportunity to pursue authentic relationships and spiritual growth. All you have to do is show up, join in, and be real. Groups are starting back up February 2.