Participate in our year long Bible reading plan

Bible Reading - Friday Devotional

6 Videos

Getting the Most out of Reading

When it comes to reading the Bible in particular, we shouldn’t be reading just to check a box. The Word of God is alive and it has transformative power. We should be reading with the purpose of personal growth and understanding of who God is. There are a lot of tools out there that can help you as you read to get the most out of your daily reading.

SPECK Method

As your reading the passage, look for certain things God is saying.

S – Are there any Sins here to avoid

P – Are there any Promises that I can claim or praise because they’ve already been fulfilled

E – Are there any Examples for me to follow?

C – Are there any Commands for me to obey?

K – Knowledge: Is there an attribute or understanding of who God is and/or who mankind is in this passage?

SOAP Method

Taking time to journal can be very helpful.

S – Read the Scripture slowly and thoroughly

O – Write down any Observations from the passage

A – Jot down any clear Applications from your observations and the passage specifically

P – Pray for God’s help to apply the applications


We encourage you to begin where we are currently. This way you will feel as though you are with us and not behind us throughout the year.

Don’t sweat it. We all get distracted and miss from time to time. Just jump back into the plan where we are today!

No. But accountability is important for all of us. This is why we recommend following the plan on the YouVersion app. It can send you reminders to read each day and you can do it with others who can encourage you and challenge you to keep going.

Easy Peezy. Just email us at [email protected] and we can make sure we have your email and that you are set up to receive communication from us.

It requires intentionality, planning, and commitment. You have to decide that no matter what, this is a priority for you. It doesn’t mean you’ll have a perfect record, but it does means you won’t quit easily. Creating a consistent block of time for Bible reading is step 1. Step 2 is refusing to schedule something else for that time.

Absolutely! You can schedule a family reading time or if you’re kids are older, you may want to schedule time in the evening to discuss what each of you read that day and how God used it to challenge or encourage each member of the family.