Sharing the Gospel: A Call for Every Christian

Sharing the Gospel: A Call for Every Christian

As followers of Christ, we are called to an extraordinary mission—to share the Gospel with the world. This isn’t just a suggestion or an option for a select few. It is the heart of what it means to follow Jesus. In Matthew 4:19, when Jesus began His ministry, He called His disciples by saying, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” From the very beginning of our journey with Christ, we are meant to share the Good News with others. At the end of His ministry, Jesus reiterates this mission in Matthew 28:19-20: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Sharing the Gospel is woven into the fabric of our faith, yet many believers struggle with this essential aspect of discipleship.

If we are honest with ourselves, many of us are not consistently sharing the Gospel. There are several reasons for this—fear, embarrassment, busyness, or simply not knowing how. But these reasons shouldn’t hold us back from fulfilling this vital part of our calling. Let’s explore some of these challenges and how we can overcome them.

Overcoming Fear and Embarrassment

One of the most common reasons we hesitate to share the Gospel is fear—fear of rejection, fear of awkwardness, or fear of not knowing the right words to say. This fear can be paralyzing. Yet, Jesus promises us that He will be with us as we step out in faith to share His message. When we feel weak or unsure, we can rely on the Holy Spirit to give us boldness and the right words to speak (Acts 4:31).

Sometimes, we may even feel embarrassed to bring up spiritual matters in casual conversations. But remember, we are not just talking about an abstract idea—we are offering the message of eternal life. The stakes are high. If we truly believe that the Gospel is the power of God for salvation (Romans 1:16), we can push past the momentary discomfort, knowing that the message we carry is life-changing.

The Power of Prayer in Evangelism

One of the best ways to prepare ourselves to share the Gospel is through prayer. Jesus instructs us in Matthew 9:38 to “pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” We should be praying regularly for opportunities to share the Gospel, for boldness to take those opportunities when they arise, and for the salvation of those in our lives who do not yet know Christ.

A helpful tool in this process is what’s called an “Oikos Map.” Oikos is the Greek word for “household,” and this map is a simple way to visualize the people in your life who need to hear the Gospel. Start by writing your name in the center of the page, then list family members, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and others who don’t know Jesus. This will serve as a reminder to pray for them consistently.

Once you’ve created your Oikos Map, set a schedule for when you will pray for each group. For example, you might pray for your family members on Mondays, your friends on Wednesdays, and your coworkers on Fridays. Prayer is powerful, and God can use your prayers to open hearts and create divine appointments for Gospel conversations.

Having a Plan

Another reason many Christians don’t share the Gospel is that they don’t have a plan. Just like anything else in life, if we don’t plan to do something, it’s unlikely to happen. Sharing the Gospel doesn’t have to be complicated. One simple plan to remember is Prayer, Care, Share.

  1. Prayer: Start by praying for someone who needs to hear the Gospel. Ask God to open their heart and provide opportunities for you to share.
  2. Care: Show genuine care and concern for the person. Build a relationship, listen to their needs, and be a reflection of Christ’s love in their life.
  3. Share: When the time is right, share the Gospel with them. This could be through sharing your testimony, explaining the basic message of salvation, or inviting them to church.

This plan is simple yet effective. It helps us stay focused on the mission and provides practical steps to take in our everyday interactions with others.

Be Bold, Be Intentional

Ultimately, sharing the Gospel requires boldness and intentionality. We must look for opportunities to bring Jesus into our everyday conversations, whether it’s with a coworker, a family member, or even a stranger. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but as we step out in faith, we will experience the joy of partnering with God in His mission to reach the lost.

If we care about the lost as God does, we cannot remain silent. Charles Spurgeon once said, “If sinners be damned, at least let them leap into hell over our dead bodies. If they perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees, imploring them to stay.” What a powerful reminder of the urgency of sharing the Gospel. Let no one go unwarned or unprayed for.

Let’s commit ourselves to this mission, not out of obligation, but out of love for God and for others. By praying for the lost, caring for those around us, and boldly sharing the Gospel, we can make a lasting impact for eternity. The harvest is plentiful—let’s be the laborers who answer the call.

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